The weekly meal continues for most Wednesdays.
Free Meal -All Wednesdays, Will be drive thru/take out ONLY, from 5-5:45 pm. This UPDATE is until further notice.
When we have enough staff: Olivet hosts a free community meal each Wednesday from 5:00-5:45 pm in our Christian Life Center (CLC) – a spacious and comfortable location. Church members are also invited to attend. Volunteers are needed to donate funds, food, or time. Hands-on jobs include helping to cook, set-up, serve, clean-up, serve as greeter, or staff the resource table. This meal occurs 49-50 weeks per year with few exceptions only when a larger event precludes it from happening.
We have chosen Matthew 25:35 as our theme verse (“for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me”). Our name is Daily Bread, which we have chosen because of Luther’s explanation of “daily bread” as all that we need to live each day. We would like to reach out with God’s love to meet needs in our community, especially the need for food and the need for companionship, and we hope to expand the ministry to provide other resources as we discover additional needs. If you’d like to become a part of this exciting new ministry, please contact Susan Santoro 419-897-9282.
Food Pantry
MONDAY & WEDNESDAY, 9-2, with modified/procedures. Please Come !
Need assistance with food?
Olivet offers a 2-3 day supply of non-perishable food. Toledo area/southern Michigan residents-just provide ID. Hours: Monday & Wednesday, 9am-2pm. Enter back entrance only. Eligible every 2 weeks.
Also available- weekly distribution of produce/bread/misc products.
each Wednesday 1-2:30 pm, (weather permitting). Provided by NWO Food Bank. All are welcome!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
If you or someone you know is experiencing grief, illness, or is in another stressful situation and would be comforted by the the gift of a prayer shawl, please contact the church office.
The prayer shawls are made with prayers for the recipient and are also prayed over at the monthly meetings. After laying our hands on the completed shawls brought to the meeting we pray:
“Heavenly Father, may the one who receives this prayer shawl be wrapped in hope, kept in joy, and graced with Your loving care, sustaining them with prayer, in good times as well as the difficult ones. We ask this in the name of Your son, Jesus, our savior. Amen.”
The Prayer Shawl Ministry Team usually meets on the SECOND Monday of each month from 1:00 p.m. in Olivet’s Teen Room. If you would like to knit or crochet prayer shawls, bring size 11 or 13 knitting needles or a size J crochet hook and come to the meeting. Yarn and simple patterns are available. For more information, contact Joyce Barger 419-754-3431.
Divorce Care For Kids (DC4K)
Divorce Care for Kids – DC4K – is a Christ-based program designed to help children ages 5-12 to process their feelings about their parents’ separation or divorce. We use games, arts and crafts, movies, stories and snacks to provide a fun environment while talking about issues such as communicating, forgiving, handling anger and disappointment in a positive way. This is a 13 week program. Website for further info or to see a locale near you: to find a session near you.
If you know of a family who is going through a separation or divorce, please make them aware of this program. The kids who have attended previous sessions have said it makes a difference for them!
Alcoholics Anonymous
CONTACT: This location is no longer needed for AA, so please follow this link for a current schedule of meetings.
Grief Support
- CONTACT: Heartland Hospice, 419-531-0440
Breast Cancer Support
For information, contact Robin Gueli, 419-472-6156
Home Communion Visitors
Nearly a dozen members visit homebound members to bring them Holy Communion. Along with the pastors, they work to see that all homebound members known to us (currently about 40) receive the Sacrament on a monthly basis.
- CONTACT: Pastor Melissa:
- WHO: Persons who need to receive communion in their home, OR persons who desire to make these monthly visits
- WHEN: Visitation with communion is provided year-round, usually following the first Sunday of the month
A.F.S.P. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
A.F.S.P. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. For meeting times and confidential assistance, please call Clay or Jodi Hepler – 419-277-1946.
Vacation Bible School ~~ WILL BE JUNE 19-23, 2023. Registration will be open on-line beginning May 1. 9 am – noon, Monday thru Friday. $10 each or max. of $25 per family.
Come and check out the most organized Rummage Sale ever.
DATES: late July